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Subscribe to McKesson News


Subscribe to a McKesson RSS newsfeed by selecting one below; then choose your subscription method. When our feed is updated, you'll find out.

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About RSS Feeds

A Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed is a format for automatically delivering regularly changing content, such as blog entries, news headlines, audio and video. Subscribing to a RSS newsfeed removes the need for the user to regularly check websites for new content.

How do I subscribe to RSS newsfeeds?

In order to receive updates via an RSS newsfeed, you need to have an RSS feed reader or aggregator. The RSS reader is the application used to check your list of RSS newsfeed subscriptions to deliver updates to your desktop. In short, a feed reader is an online application, stand-alone or web-based, that reads RSS newsfeeds. A feed reader is to newsfeeds what an email application (such as Outlook) is to email; without it you cannot receive your updates

Types of Aggregators

Client-side readers and aggregators are typically constructed as stand-alone programs or extensions to existing programs such as web browsers. Newer web browsers and email clients also integrate a newsfeed reader. Web-based newsfeed readers and aggregators require no software installation and make the user's feeds available on any computer with Web access. Both Google and Yahoo offer newsfeed aggregators. The menu above shows a variety of available newsfeed readers. For example, if you use Google for your newsfeed reader, you would select Google and click Go to subscribe to the RSS newsfeed in your Google Reader. It's free and no personal information is exchanged.

Ready to subscribe?

Once you have signed up for an RSS newsfeed reader, you are ready to start building your list of subscriptions. Select an option above to subscribe to that newsfeed.
